Health Benefits of 12 MUSHROOMS

What are 12 Mushrooms Benefits in C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals and COMPLETE Phyto-Energizer?

Mushrooms have been a source of nutrition throughout history, but they have been linked to immune function only in the past few decades. The 20th century opened doors to scientific research that has supported many of the age-old health claims of several species of mushroom used in folk medicine. Since most mushrooms are historically known for their restorative properties, it is not surprising that recent studies have often associated them with the immune system.
Research on medicinal mushrooms has attracted much attention lately, spurring an ever growing mushroom niche in the nutraceutical industry. In general, mushrooms are well accepted as dietary supplements, especially as immune boosters. That being said, not all species have been well studied. Only a select few have been proven really beneficial and considered safe for regular consumption.
Medicinal mushrooms are making their way to the forefront of nutrition with their potent health benefits that modulate immune system and increase energy levels.
Medicinal mushrooms have been known in many traditions and cultures around the world for their immune strengthening and restorative effects on the entire body.
They have a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine and some of the very first Western medical antibiotics were extracted from these mushroom varieties.
Human’s use of mushrooms date back to Paleolithic times with major historical use also in Greece, Mesoamerica and India.
Today, they can be a crucial part of human evolution to help us to grow, evolve and adapt to change.
They help to build a natural resistance to disease, containing the polysaccharides called Beta-glucans, known as “biological response modifiers.”
Every medicinal mushroom has different levels and combination’s of polysaccharides that boost the activities of immune system in different ways.
Natural Antibiotics
Medicinal mushrooms are traditionally used in the treatment of infections. They work as natural antibiotics due to the fact that they contain organic compounds that inhibit the propagation of many known bacteria and fungi. These natural antibiotics interfere with protein production, DNA replication, and other cellular processes that support bacterial metabolism. Mushrooms have become the most popular nutritional supplements in Japan largely owing to their ability to increase the disease-fighting capacity of the body against influenza virus, herpes simplex virus, and hepatitis virus, among others.
Host Defense Potentiators:
These compounds are abundant in medicinal mushrooms and include: hemicellulose, polysaccharides, polysaccharide-peptides, nucleosides, triterpeniods, complex starches, and other metabolites.
It is believed that a combination of these ingredients target the human immune system, as well as, aid in neuron transmission, metabolism, hormonal balance and the transport of nutrients and oxygen.
Through a host-mediated (T cell) immune mechanism, they help the body regulate the development of lymphoid stem cells and other important defense responses. These Host Defense Potentiators (HDP) are adjuncts to cancer treatments in Japan and China.
Major functions of mushrooms:
1)    Antioxidant
2)    Healthy Skin
3)    Increased energy
4)    Liver Health
5)    Energy Booster
6)    Cancer prevention
7)    Cholesterol reduction
8)    Immune Stimulation
9)    Physical Endurance
10) Sexual Performance
11) Asthma & Allergies
12) High Blood Pressure
13) Liver Protector
Below medicinal mushrooms in C24/7 Natura-ceuticals and COMPLETE Phyto-Energizer.
1)     Chaga – is unique among medicinal mushrooms. In addition to its potent immune stimulating properties Chaga is also a powerful antioxidant. The Mushroom Science Chaga was tested for its anti-oxidant properties by Brunswick Labs. They performed a test that assigns supplements an “ORAC” score, allowing the comparison of anti-oxidant properties between different types of supplements. Chaga is Nature’s most powerful antioxidant with over 125 phytonutrients.
2)     Cordyceps – provide immuno-modulating beta glucans that support immune health.  Cordyceps  also contain adenosine, cordycepic acid, cordycep in and other related compounds. It is the adenosine and these other related compounds that help with adrenal fatigue and adrenal depletion, and by doing so, can increase energy levels and stamina and endurance. Continued stress on the body can lead the adrenal glands to produce too much cortisol, too much cortisol in the system over time causes adrenal fatigue or exhaustion. By stress we mean a high stress life style or excessive physical activity.  This also applies to athletes that are constantly stressing the body through repeated and intensive physical training and activity.
3)     Reishi – Called the mushroom of immortality in ancient China, Reishi is the most revered herb in all of Classical Chinese and Japanese medicine. Used daily as a tonic in ancient China and Japan, modern research has focused on the use of Reishi for immune support and supporting liver health. Reishi mushroom is frequently used by mountain climbers to combat altitude sickness and are contained in many of the performance enhancing herbal formulas used by Chinese athletes.
4)     Shiitake – In addition to the beta glucans Shiitake contains various enzymes that may improve liver function. Both Reishi and Shiitake are considered to be “tonics” for the liver in Traditional East Asian Medicine. Shiitake mushrooms have been used medicinally by the Chinese for more than 6,000 years. Now that their rich, smoky flavor has endeared them to American tastebuds, these exotic hearty mushrooms can be found in supermarket shelves across the U.S. Invigorate Your Immune System.
5)     Hiratake – Hiratake or Oyster mushrooms do not taste like oysters but rather get their name from their resemblance to the shellfish. Oyster mushrooms are among the most abundant of wild mushrooms. They can be found throughout the year, most often on the trunks of dead trees. Oyster mushrooms have been revered for thousands of years as both a food and a medicine in both Eastern and mid-European cultures. Oyster mushrooms are rich in protein, vitamin C, niacin, folic acid and potassium. The protein content varies between 1.6 to 2.5 percent. Oyster mushrooms contain most of the mineral salts required by the human body. Their niacin content is about ten times higher than any other vegetables and the folic acid in oyster mushrooms helps to cure anemia. Oyster mushrooms are suitable for people with high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes due to their low sodium/potassium ratio, starch, fat and calorific value. Oyster mushrooms are a natural source of statin (cholesterol lowering) drugs. Studies have shown that they typically contain 0.4% to 2.7% statins.
6)     Maitake – is the Japanese name for the edible fungus Grifola frondosa , which is characterized by a large fruiting body and overlapping caps. Maitake has been used traditionally both as a food and for medicinal purposes. Polysaccharide constituents of maitake have been associated in animal studies with multiple bioactive properties. Extracts of maitake mushroom, and particularly the beta-glucan polysaccharide constituent, have been associated with immune modulation in pre-clinical studies, and are hypothesized to exert anti-tumor effects as a result of these immune properties. Human data are limited, and at this time there is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against the use of oral maitake for any indication. Maitake has been used traditionally both as a food and for medicinal purposes. Early studies in the laboratory as well as in humans suggest that beta-glucan extracts from maitake may increase the body’s ability to fight cancer. Antifungal, anti-infective, antitumorigenic, antiviral, arthritis, bacterial infection, diagnostic agent, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, HIV, liver inflammation (hepatitis), weight loss.
7)     Yamabushitake – This is an edible mushroom occurring widely in Japan and China, growing on standing and decayed broadleaf trees such as oak, walnut and beech. It can also cause heart rot in standing trees. Originally collected from the wild, it is now extensively grown artificially on logs and sawdust mixtures making this mushroom available all the year round. It is known in the West as the hedgehog or monkey head fungus and in China as Shishigashida because the fruiting body looks like the head of a lion. When air dried and extracted with hot water it is used extensively in traditional Chinese medicine (Houtou), to promote digestion and general vigour, strength and general nutrition. The polysaccharide from this mushroom have cyto-static effects on gastric, oesophageal, hepatic and skin cancers (Mizuno, 1999;.42 Mizuno et al., 1992). Mycelium produced from several Hericium spp. and then extracted with hot water formed the basis of a sports drink named Houtou that was used in the 11 th Asia Sports Festival (1990) and is believed to have contributed to the remarkable activities of Chinese players!!
8)     Himematsutake – Originating from the mountain region of Piedade, Brazil, Royal Agaricus Mushroom (Agaricus blazei Murill) has become quite popular there and in Asia as a medicinal mushroom and also for its use in cancer. Interest was peaked when a much lower occurrence of adult diseases was found in this region. Research done in Japan in 1980′s and 1990′s appears to support these benefits. Studies demonstrate agaricus mushroom’s possible use in recovery from cancer as well as in prevention of the imbalance, while also showing promise for agaricus mushroom’s ability to lower blood glucose, lower serum cholesterol, and lower blood pressure, as well as that of strong immune enhancement. In Brazil, agaricus mushroom is called “Cogmelo de Deus,” “Mushroom of God”.
9)     Kawaratake – PSK, a high molecular polysaccharide was first isolated from had Coriolus versicolor mushroom in the early 1970′s. The main component of the carbohydrate moiety is aglucose with galactose, mannose, xylose and fucose as minor components. The protein moiety is rich in acidic amino acids and neutral amino acids with basic amino acids n small amounts. The main component unit of the polysaccharide moiety is a beta-glucan with the main chain consisting of β-(1 to 4) glucose polymer branched a positions 3 and 6 of the glucose5. Studies and safety evaluations in Japan on PSK had demonstrated benefit through a variety of immune actions in human, animal and in vitro research. They had shown PSK activating macrophage and T-killer-cell activity, stimulating lymphocyte counts and balancing helper/suppresor ratios. PSK was found to be useful as a maintenance therapy for patients after their curative surgical operations for colorectal cancer.
10)  Mesima– Phellinus linteus, also known as Sang-Hwang, Mesima or Meshimakobu has long been used in traditional medicine. Mesima is especially rich in beta 1-3 glucans and has been shown to cause increased production of T cells and B cells. Along with increasing white blood cell counts, mesima has also demonstrated an ability to increase the activity of macrophages and natural killer cells.
11)  Zhu Ling – Zhu Ling can reduce the occurrence rate of B-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine (BBN)-induced bladder tumors in rats, the number of tumors per rat, the tumor diameter, and the tumor malignity. Toxicity Carnogenic test: negative (PPS extract/mice/hypodermic or intraperitoneal injection, 0.5, 50mg/kg daily for 6 consecutive months). Teratogenic test: negative (PPS/mice/200mg/kg, intraperitoneal injection).(1) Chemical Composition: Polyporusdextran I; Polyporusteron A, B, C, D, E, F, G; Ergosta-4, 6, 8(14), 22-tetraen-3-one; 25-deoxymakisterone A; 25-deoxy-24(28)-dehydromakisterone A; Ergosta-7, 22-dien-3-one; Ergosta-7, 22-dien-3-ol; Ergosta-5, 7, 22-trien-3-ol; 5a, 8a-epidioxyergosta-6, 22-dien-3-ol; a-hydroxytetracosanoic acid; 3, 4-dihydroxy benzaldehyde; Axungia; Isoleucine; Leucine; Aspartic acid; D-mannose; D-galactose; D-glucose.(2),(3),(4),(5) (6),(7). Inorganic Chemicals It contains trace elements, including calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), copper (Cu), sodium (Na), potassium (K), and sulfur (S). Enhancing immunity. Experiments on mice have shown that polyporus polysaccharides can enhance Concanavalin A and bacterial lipopolysaccharide-induced proliferation reactions of splenocytes, increase the number of specific antibody-secreting cells, enhance heterotypic splenocyte-induced hypersensitivity reactions, and enhance the killing capacity of splenotoxic T lymphocytes.(18) Experiments also have shown that polyporus polysaccharides can enhance the phagocytic and bactericidal functions of the human neutrophilic granulocytes,(19) and that it has a dose-dependent and interferon-g (TFN-g)-synergistic effects that promote the production of nitric oxide by the mice’s macrophage.(20)
12)  Agarikon – Historical records indicate that Agarikon may have been the most important medicinal mushroom of ancient Europe. The earliest preserved record dates to 65 B.C., when it was listed by Greek physician Dioscorides in Materia Medica as a remedy for tuberculosis. It may be a species of a bygone era.  Agarikon is practically extinct in Europe. Most remaining Agarikon mushrooms are now found in the moist old growth rain forests of western North America.   Fortunately, it can be cultivated, so there is no immediate risk of loosing the genetic material. There is little modern research on the medicinal use of Agarikon extract but traditional use of this medicinal mushroom included tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) and pneumonia (Bacillus pneumoniae and others).  It’s also been used topically as a poultice to relieve muscle and skeletal pain. Congruent with this is a report from Poland, listing the historical uses of Agarikon extract to have included lung conditions (coughing, asthma) and rheumatoid arthritis, but also infected wounds and open bleeding.  It is said to have been considered an elixir for long life. In North America, it is believed that Agarikon extract was used by Native Americans as protection from smallpox and other diseases brought over by the Europeans.  But there is no definite written record of this information.  The Haida Native American mythological tradition also retains a connection between Agarikon and the female creator spirit Raven, and with female sexuality.

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